Posted by & filed under Part 1 Business in a Global Environment, Part 6 Managing Financial Resources.

Description: At the heart of the European debt crisis is the euro, the currency that ties together 17 countries in an intimate manner. So when one country teeters on the brink of financial collapse, the entire continent is at risk. How did such a flawed system come to be? Bloomberg Television and Jonathan Jarvis present “The European Debt Crisis Visualized.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Source: – video report

Date: Feb 11, 2014


Questions for discussion:

  • What is the difference between monetary and fiscal policy?
  • Why was there agreement to create the European free trade zone and Euro currency?
  • How did Germany and Greece benefit from European monetary union and creation of the Euro?
  • What is the problem now for countries like Germany and Greece.
  • Why is it unlikely that the member countries will agree to fiscal policy controls?
  • Do you think the Euro can survive?

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