Posted by & filed under Part 1 Business in a Global Environment, Part 4: Marketing Management, Part 6 Managing Financial Resources.

Description: Vending machines stocked with sodas are ubiquitous here, tucked away, it seems, in every nook and cranny of the country. They are found along Omotesando, the tree-lined shopping avenue known as the Champs-Élysées of Tokyo, and their glow lights up the back streets of hot spring towns like Hakone. They are even atop Mount Fuji, Japan’s 12,000-foot, snow-capped mountain.


Date: May 31, 2013


Questions for Discussions:

  • Why is it so difficult to make money in the soda business in Japan?
  • How does the level of competition explain the deflationary problem?
  • How can marketing managers respond to these conditions?

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